Thursday, October 30, 2008

Good old exam spirit

This is..
The season of joy and sorrow..
The season of love and hatred..

What else can it be??


Joy as we welcome the holiday after this long exhausting semester;
Sorrow as we let our poor brain work OT non stop for weeks;
Love as we start to appreciate the beauty of friendship;
Hatred as we start to curse our lecturers and everyone related to exam.

During student life, you can never run from exam..
It is somehow part of student life, like it or not..
Ever since i arrive at UNSW, this is the first time i am taking an official university exam.. Excited.. Thrill.. Motivated.. and not to mention.. TIRED!

Look at this picture.. The red line is the path i need to walk to get to my exam venue..

I can assure you, the journey is even worse when you have those idiotic flies that send high frequency buzz into your ear non stop.. Phew, imagine a 45 minutes walk before you even sit for your exam. What a wonderful plan by UNSW to keep student healthy and fit..

Now, back to exam..

This is probably the most exciting exam that i ever had in my life.. The questions for the exam was given to us 2 weeks ago, as promise by our lecturer.. We prepared the answer beforehand and during the exam, all we need to do is to bring the "prepared answer sheet" into the exam hall. It is open book test btw..

Being a caution fella, i thought the lecturer might plan to surprise us by tweaking the question.. But i could not imagine that the questions are totally the same.. SAME!!! I was like... OMG!! And the rest is history..

I spent 2 hours busy copying the answer, that's all. But if you ask me am i confident that i can score full mark for this exam, i definitely will say no. Law questions are full of bull shit and it is up to the lecturer to decide. Not to mention as engineering student, there is no formulae in answering law questions.

Nevertheless, this had been a damn good experience.

Right now, i can see High Distinction flying to me.. *dreaming again*

Ah well, at least my good old exam spirit is back. Otherwise i will spend all my time playing crimsonland, watching movies or chatting..

I can feel the FIRE within me!

Btw, there will be a newborn baby boy in my place.. wohoo.. the dad is so happy! congrats to him!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


幸存人 基因人 单一人 现代人 半机械人 天文人


   古生物学家认为,我们的祖先智人曾经有过两个“兄弟”———身材健壮的尼安德特人和弗洛里斯小矮人。虽然他们都在进化的历程中逐渐销声匿迹直至灭亡,但 仍有科学家提出这样的疑问———人类进化中的“副产品”是否可能在未来重新出现?此外,有人还提出,迅速发展的基因技术能“催生”出新的人种;也有人认 为,人类将与机器结合成一体,使纯粹的自然人成为濒危物种。


   科学无法准确预测出未来一千年直至上百万年间的环境变化,也无法知晓人类是否能适应这样的变化,但是人类的好奇心并不会因此而平息。华盛顿大学人类学家 彼得·沃特在《未来进化》一书中提到,人类正在利用自然和科技的力量让自己永存,人类至少还能存在5亿年。在未来的演进过程中,人类也会像过去一样重现进 化历程。人类究竟会走向何方,科学家和学者们作出了5种大胆的猜测:

  1 单一人



   人类进入现代社会后,随着全球化的飞速进程,不同人种文化上的差异正在逐渐消失,这在人类语种的变化上尤为明显。目前,全球人类拥有6500种语言。而 能够流传到我们下一代的语言仅剩600种。在通讯技术突飞猛进的今天,全球人类前所未有地联系起来,虽然有很多个人和组织都在尽力维持少数民族正在丢失的 文化遗迹,但文化的单一化已成为不可逆转的趋势。





  2 幸存人




   如果不同人群被分隔在不同的地方长达上千代,不同的种族就会自然产生。打个比方说:如果全球遭受致命生化恐怖袭击,对该生化病毒具有抵抗力的人将存活下 来并在被污染的环境下繁衍具有免疫力的后代。而那些没有免疫力但在庇护所求生的人就在被隔离的区域形成自己的种族。这一理论的依据能在艾滋病病毒在人类的 传播中找到。生物学家称,有一些人虽然经常暴露于易被艾滋病病毒感染的环境下,却不会显示HIV阳性。原因可能就是他们的祖先在500年前的一场瘟疫中幸 存。

  不过如果灾难真的发生,人类如果能幸存,会让自己长期处于互相隔离的状态吗?答案很可能是“不”,即使出现种族分化,也必会有 一个种族完全取代或同化其竞争者。最有说服力的例子就是人类的“兄弟”———尼安德特人的灭亡。很多古生物学家认为:虽然尼安德特人在体格上比我们的祖先 智人健壮得多,也曾和智人部族有过接触,却由于智力上的劣势,最终被能制造高级武器,掌握了艺术文明的智人所取代。以至于在现代人的基因中找不到任何尼安 德特人血统的痕迹。

  3 基因人





   目前,科学家已经通过实验,找到了让老鼠更聪明和长寿的方法,设想一下,经过强化之后,一个人能在100岁的高龄保持最佳状态,并且还希望他/她的后代 也具有这些强化的优势,很可能出现的状况便是寻找将这些基因传到自己的后代的方法,最终导致新的人种的产生。这让人联想到科幻影片《基因》中描绘的故事 ———社会等级以基因为划分标准,只有具备优等基因的人才能身居要职。但是要制造优等基因人,还需要跨技术和道义上的障碍。


  4 半机械人






  5 天文人





   如果要走出太阳系,一种设想是修建巨型太空飞船,将人类送到遥远的星系,其间人类可能经历数代繁衍。低重力状态下四肢无需像在地球般发达。人类的毛发也 不再有用。他们还可能让生命进入长期休眠状态,让机器人进行导航。当到了新的殖民地后,再重新苏醒,繁衍下一代,延续人类的存在。

   但是由于太空探险的不确定性,作为地球生命的人类能否在太空极端的环境中生存下来可能还是一个问题。因此,科学家还提出一种更极端的方法:把制造人的指 令,而不是实体的人送到宇宙的另一个角落,机器人在某个行星上建立了基地之后,利用收到的人类指令制造出新的人类。据《新京报》

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Michael Jackson: photo from 1959 ~ 2008

Michael Jackson King of Pop

year 1959 - age 1

year 1961 - age 3

year 1963 - age 5

year 1965 - age 7

The jackson 5 ( 1967–1989 ) - age 9

when he is begin his 1st album

year 1977 - age 19

year 1978 - age 20

year 1979 - age 21

year 1980 - age 22

year 1981 - age 23

year 1982 - age 24

year 1983 - age 25

year 1984 - age 26

year 1985 - age 27

year 1986 - age 28

year 1987 - age 29

year 1988 - age 30

year 1989 - age 31

year 1990 - age 32

year 1991 - age 33

year 1992 - age 34

year 1993 - age 35

year 1994 - age 36

year 1995 - age 37

year 1997 - age 39

year 1998 - age 40

year 1999 - age 41

year 2000 - age 42

year 2002 - age 44

year 2003 - age 45

year 2004 - age 46

year 2006 - age 48

year 2007 - age 49

year 2008 - age 50

Just me

Life has been quite a turnout for me, at least i think so.

Being granted the opportunity to come to Australia has been quite a surprise for me. Well, i thought i was probably the luckiest guy on earth. Somehow, things does not progress smoothly throughout the way.

Speaking of bad lucks, i guess it somehow started off with the scholarship. It was meant to be lucky to me, isn't it? Friends are telling me that how lucky i am to be able to further my studies overseas. Sometimes i wonder to myself, am i really that lucky?

Probably all these are not known to you guys, but these are the problems i faced so far...

  1. Application for UNSW admission. Somehow i was given two student IDs. Took me almost a month to resolve it.
  2. Somehow, my application for visa was not approved by the system. In the end, i have to call them up to approve it manually.
  3. Late approval of Confirmation of Enrollment (COE) by UNSW. Thank god i still managed to buy air ticket last minute despite the huge crowd flying over to Sydney to celebrate World Youth Day 08.
  4. Sick on the day before my flight.
  5. Cannot enrollment into subjects due to limited spaces.
  6. Six class clashes as i am almost the last to enrol and there are not much of a choice left.
  7. Not quite supporting teammate in projects.
  8. This is probably the best of all, hospitalised in Sydney during my first trip to Australia!
  9. The list goes on..

Sometimes, i couldn't help but to start wondering.. Have i actually made the right choice coming here? Am i really prepared to face all these challenges, physically and mentally. Are these problems actually karma from the past; those guilt and dark secret that have haunted me for years are now back to seek their revenge?

I have always dream of being successful, be it in my studies or my future. I want to excel in everything. But obstacles are popping out of nowhere, hindering me from achieving what i want. Someone mentioned that obstacles are there to test whether how determine are you to achieve what you want. Hmm.. how true is that? What if the obstacles are never ending? We are humans and sometimes we are tired of all these obstacles. The feeling of wanting to let go and not to give a damn anymore to our dreams are so tempting.

Probably this is what they call, expectation of life! My old friends, and most of my new friends commented that i have too much expectation of myself. It might seems so, but all i wish was to do my best. Perhaps my old friends are already used to my quote, " Have you done your best?" But i find that is my way of life. I always wanted to strive in what i am doing. Kiasu? Yea probably..

Well, the only explanation i can come out right now for myself is..

Everything happens for a reason. Someday, it might dawn upon me that all the challenges that i have faced made me who i am. At least i hope so. But this is something i must do for sure: I have to walk the path i have chosen.

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson-

A promise to myself, i will definitely leave a trail behind...
And of course, achieving my dream : Success is always with me!
Am i able to do so?
Who knows..

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" -Elanor Roosevelt-

Note: Phew, what a relieve.. It does help a lot after writing down all these.. Haha, lengthy post! Geez, my friend advice me to let go of my expectation.. but after weeks of trying, i still fail at doing so. Probably because this is who i am, the unique me LOL

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Money As Debt = SLAVERY

Think about it.

Like it or not, money is the basic for survival in this world.


But how many of us actually understand how money is created?
If money is as real and tangible as how we have always assumed, then why are money disappearing from the economy market so easily?

Long story short, this youtube video will do all the explanation.


Now, the story continues...

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Do you think this is no truer than the current financial situation, are we not all slaves to the banks?

Bankers are wonderful people. Trust me. You do not want to mess with them.

Once you are no longer able to pay your debt with your normal earning, you have to put in extra effort to keep your obligations to the bank.

Now, what does this tells you?
Congratulations! You have officially joined the slavery forces of the bank.Do not fear as the bank will take good care of you. They are the merciless institution that will try their very best to get his money from you, and not forgetting the wonderful interest!

I am no christian, but there is a sense of truth in the bible.
" He who borrows, become a slave of him who loans" - Bible

An interesting fact i found on the net.

Two thousands year ago, a Roman Senator suggested that
all slaves wear white armbands to better identify them.

"No," said a wise Senator,
"If they see how many of them are, they might revolt."



What do you think?

Look around you, there are slaves everywhere.

Do you want to be part of them?


editor's note: Think twice before getting a loan from the bank. Creditors are always the devil in disguise.